I’m pleased to say that I’ve been much better behaved this Sunday and I’ve made myself have a day off. I’ve spent it doing lots of lovely things, one of those was catching up with Frugal Queen.

I’m pleased to say that I’ve been much better behaved this Sunday and I’ve made myself have a day off. I’ve spent it doing lots of lovely things, one of those was catching up with Frugal Queen.
Audiobooks and ebooks are growing increasingly popular. Even my Mum jumped on the bandwagon and embraced them before I did. She encouraged me to give them a go but they just seemed so expensive. So imagine my surprise when I discovered a simple way to access free audiobooks and ebooks.
“So much of our life is lived in a fog of automatic, habitual behaviour…” – an incredibly apt opening to Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things which I watched this afternoon. Every time I watch it, it gives me something different to think about and this time it made me think about habits.
Those of you who follow me on Twitter will know that I’m taking part in a ‘no spend day’ challenge until the end of the month. So I’ve been eeking out the remnants lurking in my food cupboards and making them last until the 1st of July. For those of you who haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it as a way to get your creative juices flowing, reduce waste and keep more pounds in your pocket.
It got me thinking back to the days when I was trying to pay off my mortgage. I’d tinker with my spreadsheet and see how a few extra pounds here and there affected my mortgage term. I was amazed at the difference even the smallest overpayment made and how saving £1 a day could cut years off your mortgage. It was then I realised the true power of every pound I saved…
I slept in this morning – until 8am, which is late for me. I’m usually up with the lark and start my day with a run and some juice. But in honour of my commitment to simple Sundays, I decided to switch my alarm off. I never realised the importance of sleep until I heard a series of interviews on Peter Attia’s ‘Drive’ podcast. The interviews were with Matthew Walker, author of ‘Why We Sleep‘ and they transformed my opinions on sleep.
If you want to listen to the podcasts (and I highly recommend that you do), then you can find the first interview here. Alternatively, a quick search should bring it up on your favourite podcast player. After listening to the interviews, I now see sleep as the body’s ultimate healing tool and have come to the conclusion that there is no point in working out and eating healthily if I’m going to neglect my sleep routine.