As we went into 2020, I don’t think any of us imagined what the year would bring. There are no words capable of expressing the bag of surprises that 2020 dumped on our doorstep. But as I say goodbye to the year, I want to reflect on some of the positives.
Financial Independence
This year has been transformative in terms of financial independence and I feel that I’ve laid some strong foundations for my future.
In January I launched my tuition business and whilst lockdown put a temporary stop to it, I now know that it’s a service that people want and I’m expanding into virtual tuition.
I also attended the Pop Up Business School, something that I’d wanted to do but hadn’t been able to due to work commitments and location issues. During lockdown, they began to offer virtual courses which meant I was able to attend. I learnt so much and it turned my thoughts about ‘running a business’ on their head. It was such an empowering experience.
I set up two side businesses, Chicken Roulette Press and Only A Stone’s Throw Away. I had no intention of setting up an Etsy business, but the business plan literally appeared in a dream. You can read the full story in the ‘About Me’ section of the store.
I’ve also figured out my financial independence figure and I’ve nearly hit the 6% mark towards my target. I’m sure it’ll pick up momentum once my savings increase, it’s always the start of these things that seem to move at the slowest pace.
Learning and Growing
In addition to attending the Pop Up Business School, I also attended MamaFurFur’s Prosperity Accelerator Mastermind group. It helped me clarify my own thoughts about what ‘prosperity’ means to me and encouraged me to take action on a number of projects.
As a result, I now prioritise learning and working towards my goals on a weekly basis and I’ve also created a giving fund. You can read more about my experiences in this post.
I also started to regularly post to this blog. Although I set it up in 2019, it sat there for a few months while I procrastinated about what to write. Now I regularly sit and type – progress is better than perfect afterall. I’ve also learnt so much about the technicalities blogging and SEO…although I still have a lot to learn. But it’s a gradual progress and an ongoing journey.
Relationships…and an exciting announcement!
I think lockdown and the pandemic have made many of us re-evaluate what is truly important in life. One thing I’ve learnt to appreciate is my family and friends. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate them before, but now I no longer take them for granted – and I think that’s something many people can relate to.
Another hugely exciting event that happened this year was that I got engaged! Unfortunately, it happened two weeks before the first UK lockdown which has meant that our time together has been limited. But we have plans to move in together next year and I cannot wait!
Goodbye 2020…
So goodbye 2020, you’ve certainly been a year that I won’t forget for so many reasons. But I’m eternally grateful that you forced me to hit the pause button – it’s given me some much needed time to reflect and grow and now I truly appreciate the simple things in life.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2020 has shown you some kindness and you’ve been able to take some positives away. Let’s go into 2021 with new eyes and our hearts softened.
Image courtesy of Jack B on Unsplash.